Thursday, November 27, 2014

My Top 10 Favorite TV Shows of All-Time

Here's a little break from football writing to give you something extra for your holidays. I decided to rank my top 10 favorite TV shows of all-time. Now, please remember that this is MY opinion and not yours. Believe it or not, people have different tastes and it seems like whenever someone posts a list online, people just like to bash that person's opinions because they don't share the same one. There's some shows you won't find on here (The Wire for example) because I haven't seen those shows all the way through, even though I plan on getting to them at some point. Anyway, enjoy your Thanksgiving and enjoy the only non-football post you'll see on this blog.....

My Top 10 Favorite TV Shows of All-Time

Honorable Mentions:



The Office

10. The O.C.

This was a good show. Screw you if you didn't like it.

9. South Park

No one does "topical humor" better than South Park does. When South Park is "on", they are "on". There's a reason this show has been on since I was in high school. It's that good and it continues to roll along without missing a beat. 

8. Chappelle's Show

This doesn't need any kind of explanation. The only explanation I need is why Dave Chappelle walked away from the greatest skit show of all-time during the middle of it's run. I'm still holding out hope that Chappelle will return to television at some point and give this show a shot in the arm as it returns to stardom. We need some more "MAD MAD Real World" people!!!!

7. Arrested Development

Arrested Development is a historical show. It was cancelled during it's first run on FOX due to low ratings (even though the critics loved the show), and was brought back after fans of the show demanded it's return. I was one of the people who didn't actually watch Arrested Development during it's first-run. As a matter of fact, I didn't watch Arrested Development until they announced the show would be coming back. That's when I needed to see what all the hype was about and man, I'm glad I did. There is so much to like about this show and it starts and ends with the characters. Oh....and the freaking CHICKEN DANCE!!!!

6. OZ

OZ was the show that really put HBO on the map. For those of you who missed it, OZ was about the Oswald State Maximum Penitentiary (OZ for short) and everything that went on inside the prison. I wouldn't hesitate to call "OZ" the most violent show I've ever seen. It seemed like there was a major character that died every episode, and every death was what we would call a "game-changer" in the OZ world. OZ is really what laid the foundation for shows like "The Wire", "Sons of Anarchy", and "The Sopranos" to come to fruition. I don't think most people can fathom how important this show was to the shows that currently air on cable. OZ was simply fantastic.



I won't hesistate to call the first episode of "LOST" the greatest episode of television I've ever seen. If you are the kind of person who can watch the pilot episode of "LOST" and have absolutely no interest in watching anymore episodes, than there's a good chance you and I couldn't be friends. In case you haven't seen it, the first episode starts with a plane wreck on what appears to be a deserted island. People have survived the plane crash, and not only that....but things about them have changed (A paralyzed man is no longer paralyzed for example). If that wasn't already enough, the island itself appears to have some mysteries abound. For viewer's of "LOST" it was like watching a video game on TV every week. The people behind "LOST" would jam pack the show with easter eggs and little secrets for viewers that made watching every single episode a detailed experience. A lot of people like to hammer "LOST" because they weren't happy with how the show ended, but that doesn't really matter to me. I tend to judge TV shows in the same fashion I judge road trips. I don't judge road trips based on what happens when we get to the final destination, I judge road trips by how fun and exciting the ride there was. If you ask me, the ride that "LOST" took it's viewers on was one of the greatest experiences ever on television. 

4. Friends

Friends is my favorite sitcom of all-time and it's not even close. I wouldn't hesitate to call Friends the "funniest show that has ever aired". To this day, I can turn on an episode of Friends (go ahead and turn your television on right now, you'll probably find an episode on) and laugh my ass off. The show is made by the characters. The first season was kind of a drag because we were getting to know the characters, but after we learned who these people were and all the funny quirks about them, the laugh's started coming a mile-a-minute. There really isn't a character on this show that I didn't like. I liked Chandler for being Chandler. I liked Joey for being stupid. I liked Ross for being nerdy. I liked Phoebe for being Phoebe. I liked Monica for being highly competitive and I liked Rachel because....well, because she wasn't bad to look at. Friends is easily the best sitcom ever made in my opinion and if you don't feel the same way, we'll than I guess we can't be friends (see what I did there?).

3. Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones is the best show on television at the moment. With all due respect to shows like Sons of Anarchy, The Walking Dead, and others (those shows are good, but far from great), Game of Thrones is easily the best thing going on TV right now. It took me awhile to get into "GoT" because it looked like one of those shows that I couldn't get behind. However, once I started it....good lord. This show is absolutely incredible. The acting is top notch, the writing is absolutely fantastic, and the story itself is just incredible. There is so much going on in the fictional world of Westeros that it's pretty much impossible to get bored watching the show. The only reason this show isn't ranked higher is because it's still running and I can't place it above the other two shows until the run has ended. As of right now though, I wouldn't hesitate to say that by the time it's all said and done "Game of Thrones" is my favorite show of all-time.

2. Breaking Bad

Stop me if you've seen this post on social media before:

"I just started Breaking Bad! It's awesome! Can't believe it took me this long to start it!"

When Breaking Bad was on, it seemed like you saw one of those posts at least once a week somewhere on social media. That's because Breaking Bad was the kind of show that may not have sounded fantastic on paper, but it was absolutely incredible on the screen. Watching Walter White's transition from "everyday normal high school teacher" to "Scarface" was extremely fun. The only thing knocking Breaking Bad was the first season. The show may have been a little hard to get into at first, but that quickly changes.....especially once Gus comes into the picture. Gus could very well be my favorite villain ever on TV and the whole "Walt vs. Gus" showdown in season four was one of the greatest things I've ever seen on television. If you've never seen an episode of Breaking Bad, do yourself a favor and track it down. You'll thank me later.

1. The Sopranos

The Sopranos is my favorite show of all-time. First of all, I find the mob to be extremely fascinating so obviously I'm going to enjoy anything related to the mob. Secondly, Tony Soprano is my favorite television character of all-time and watching him deal with everyday life while trying to run a crime family was the best thing I've ever seen. I shouldn't have to go into extreme detail about why I feel The Sopranos is the greatest show of all-time, I'd just recommend you get off your ass and give it a view. Something tells me you'll thank me later, especially after this scene.....

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